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My Story
Meggi Aransevia Stewart is an ardent believer in the Lord Jesus Christ. Despite facing disappointments, challenges, and setbacks throughout her life she has managed to triumph over them all through her consistent prayer, dedications and relentless faith in God and submission to His word. One could describe her as a late starter in attending higher institute of learning, where she proudly achieved Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology and Christianity, while being a wife, and a mother to two small children at the age of thirty-nine. Now, a Client Service Director, empowering and supporting others to achieve their God given potential recognizing that they are “NOT THE STORY BUT A PART OF THE STORY”.
She remains confident that through unwavering faith and trust in God, you can achieve your goals. Meggi believes in sharing her experiences of God with the aim to ignite hope in her audience knowing that despite the intensity of life’s challenges one can overcome. “I am not the story but part of the story” was inspired by the Lord to encourage, stir-up, motivate, and inspire, both believers and nonbelievers alike to pursue and study God’s word.

About the Book
This book that I have written reflects my personal story created with the knowledge that everyone's life is a story. In fact, I've realized that my life is a story subset within a bigger story. God created His story for my life asking me to be a part of His narrative.
This book was written in obedience to God's will expressing the reality that although we may not like the story of our lives, the Bible is God's major Story for everyone. However, we have a choice to become part of God's Story or choose to ignore His voice and plan while creating a story of your choosing. God's Story is not always a smooth, sweet melody of enjoyment but sometimes can be as complicated as a broken car to its owner, needing a mechanic to diagnose, and explain faulty setbacks as explained in this book.
My hope for each reader is that they will stop long enough and take a hard look in examining their life's story in light of God's Story as recorded in the Bible. Then, if necessary, each reader will make the necessary adjustments to intentionally use prayer and the Scripture as guides to understand the Story and one's role in it. In sharing my life's story, I also hope to leave a witness to God's Story as a legacy to my children and their children as they read this book. The discovery of doing so offers an exciting, authentic, and an unforgettable experience to be had by the reader of God's Story.
The Apostle Paul shared that personal experience when he penned,
"But, as it is written, What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love Him. But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God." 1 Corinthians 2:9-10
Enjoy your journey!

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